Education Comes First
Figure Skating in Detroit students will be engaged in an exciting array of off-ice educational activities led by certified teachers, counselors, mentors and tutors. Our signature curriculum is designed to enhance study habits, improve core competencies in reading, writing and math, promote positive social and emotional skills, teach communication and literacy skills, introduce financial literacy and STEM concepts, and promote good health and nutrition. Our goal is to eventually have all of our participants enter a four-year college.
of girls maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher


Small group tutoring is at the core of our education program. Students are matched with tutors based on their academic standing, tutors’ observations and their STAR Enterprise Assessment results. We make sure each student has an individual learning plan that supports the student’s needs. Our goal is to make sure the girls are performing at and above their grade level. The vast majority of our girls maintain a ‘B’average or higher in school, with 23% achieving ‘A’s last season.
100% graduation rate
All high school seniors successfully graduated, maintaining FSD’s 100% graduation rate
Our creative and practical approach to STEM curriculum ignites our students’ interest in science through the lens of figure skating. These classes explore topics from cardiovascular and heart health, skeletal and muscular systems to the engineering of ice rinks, Newtonian physics, friction, and coding.
of girls rated the STEM lessons as the most excellent part of the educational component
Our students become clear, persuasive communicators through our weekly writing and public speaking classes. Tutors work with our younger students on competency and mechanics. Younger girls also participate in Book Club and guided reading exercises. Our middle school students reflect on their life experiences when writing their personal narratives. High school participants take writing classes that help prepare them for the college application process.
Full ride scholarship
one senior received a full ride scholarship to Wayne State University

Through weekly classes developed by award winning journalist Stacey Tisdale, Senior Editor of Black Enterprise, students learn about financial values. Her Winning Plays curriculum emphasizes the importance of setting goals and creating action plans to achieve confidence about financial matters. Lessons include generating income, understanding the value of saving and spending wisely, and techniques to help students stay on track with their short, medium and long-term goals.
Our vision is to empower every young girl with the foundational academic, social and leadership skills to achieve her dreams. She will be a powerful speaker, effective leader, live a healthy lifestyle and be a global citizen.